Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Akea Essentials. The world’s first and only foundational supplement based on Longevity Hot Spot Research.

In virtually all Longevity Hot Spots there are certain foods “Superfoods” that are credited for attributing to their phenomenal health and longevity.
Now, all those naturally health enhancing foods from around the world are available in every serving of Akea Essentials.
Only Essentials combines the traditional foods of the world’s healthiest cultures with the latest scientific breakthroughs in nutrition to create the first nutraceutical that’s “Hot Spot Healthy.” Each Essentials serving delivers pure, whole-food power and goodness to give you the same tremendous health advantages as the world’s healthiest people.
Whole. High-performance, therapeutic whole foods incorporating organic ingredients and delivering nutrients as nature intended.
Cultured. Fermented for enhanced bioavailability and superior health benefits, just like the fermented foods enjoyed by Hot Spot inhabitants such as yogurt, soy, cocoa and vegetables.
Synergistic. A complex matrix of rich nutrients working in synergy to provide the body what it needs, when it needs it.
Fortify your body with the best nature has to offer—no passport required! Each Essentials serving contains the same nutrients present in the diets of communities that live the healthiest and longest lives.
When combined with the 5 BluePrint for Life principles, Essentials delivers a wide range of benefits for optimal health and longevity. Essentials provides support for a wide range of potential health benefits such as:
  • Increased energy, stamina and vitality*
  • Enhanced immune system*
  • Improved heart health*
  • Increased mental capacity and alertness*
  • Decreased cravings and improved blood sugar support*
  • Improved joint mobility*
  • Improved digestion and elimination*
Over time, you’ll also experience the many rewarding Longevity Hot Spot health benefits that result from optimal nutrition.

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